How it all started...
In 1842, John L. Worley, Simon Bedle (Beadle) and wife, Thomas Childers and wife, and William Wells and wife officially chartered the congregation of the Lowell Christian Church now know as the Lowell Church of Christ. Their first minister was Nathan Coffenberry.
The families gathered in homes, school houses, and public meeting spaces until 1870 when they moved into their first permanent building. Their worship focused on prayer and a love of God's Word, the Bible.
Rev. B.L. Allen was the minister in 1869 when the church began construction of their first permanent building. The 1870 Christian Church building was built on the site now occupied by Chase Bank and formerly the Lowell National Bank. The building faced Castle Street. The Lowell Church of Christ is now located on Burr St.
John L. Worley, a charter member of the Lowell Christian Church (now known as Lowell Church of Christ), embraced the cause of Christ in his early manhood. As there was no religious meetings in his community in those days and feeling the importance and urgent need of them, he obtained permission of his stepfather, with whom he was then residing, to have family prayers on the morning and evening of each day. He then went to other families that had lost their interest in Christianity and talked with them on the subject.
The families gathered in homes, school houses, and public meeting spaces until 1870 when they moved into their first permanent building. Their worship focused on prayer and a love of God's Word, the Bible.
Rev. B.L. Allen was the minister in 1869 when the church began construction of their first permanent building. The 1870 Christian Church building was built on the site now occupied by Chase Bank and formerly the Lowell National Bank. The building faced Castle Street. The Lowell Church of Christ is now located on Burr St.
John L. Worley, a charter member of the Lowell Christian Church (now known as Lowell Church of Christ), embraced the cause of Christ in his early manhood. As there was no religious meetings in his community in those days and feeling the importance and urgent need of them, he obtained permission of his stepfather, with whom he was then residing, to have family prayers on the morning and evening of each day. He then went to other families that had lost their interest in Christianity and talked with them on the subject.

"The Pioneers laid foundations that are enduring. Among them were men and women of thorough education, of strong force of character: others were uncultivated but strong in religious principles; and in the name of the Lord they set up their banners." -T.H. Ball, The Sunday Schools of Lake
In this way he aroused an interest in Christianity and religious worship and the result was that prayer-meetings began to be held at various homes in the community. This little nucleus gathered others around it who accepted Christ and soon a congregation was organized with the Bible as the guide in all matters of faith and practice. Social meetings were held until January 1842, when a preacher was called to minister to them one-fourth of his time, and by the beginning of the year 1848, the congregation numbered twenty-five. School houses were then being built and the little congergation met in these as the opportunity afforded until the year 1858, when they rented a hall in Lowell in which they held their meetings regularly until 1869 when construction began on the Castle Street church. To Mr. Worley is due, perhaps more than to any other, the credit of the organization and growth of the Christian church at Lowell.
The Lowell Christian Church was also heavily involved in operating a Sunday school in Lowell. The Lowell Union Sunday School was a united effort with other churches in the community to reach families and children in particular with the truth of the gospel.
"The Lowell Union [Sunday School], with its present enrollment membership of 124; and with such sturdy workers as the two Dickinsons, father and son (the son, Cyrus F. Dickinson, a leader of church music); as brethren, J. L. Worley and James Pinkerton; with such zealous assistants as are the whole membership of the Christian church, has been for years one of the strong, reliable schools of the county."
**cited from the work of T.H. Ball and Richard Schmal
The Lowell Christian Church was also heavily involved in operating a Sunday school in Lowell. The Lowell Union Sunday School was a united effort with other churches in the community to reach families and children in particular with the truth of the gospel.
"The Lowell Union [Sunday School], with its present enrollment membership of 124; and with such sturdy workers as the two Dickinsons, father and son (the son, Cyrus F. Dickinson, a leader of church music); as brethren, J. L. Worley and James Pinkerton; with such zealous assistants as are the whole membership of the Christian church, has been for years one of the strong, reliable schools of the county."
**cited from the work of T.H. Ball and Richard Schmal

Continuing the vision...
Under the banners established by our forefathers, we at the Lowell Church of Christ continue seek Christ, serve Him, and share Him. We continue to prayerfully utilize the Bible, God's Word, as our guide in all matters of faith and life.
As an outworking of our love for families and children, in 2012, by God's grace, we began work on The Grove extension of our current building. The Grove is the home of our children and youth Sunday school classes. It is here that our current, faithful members continue to teach the truths of God's Word to children and work to help equip families to seek Christ.
As an outworking of our love for families and children, in 2012, by God's grace, we began work on The Grove extension of our current building. The Grove is the home of our children and youth Sunday school classes. It is here that our current, faithful members continue to teach the truths of God's Word to children and work to help equip families to seek Christ.
Where we are headed...
Almost two hundred years ago, in the name of the Lord Jesus, faithful believers began a work in Lowell, Indiana to seek Christ constantly, to serve Him faithfully, and to share Him boldly with all of Lowell, Lake County, and the world. By God's grace, we will continue this work for generations to come as we weekly gather to worship Christ, as we serve and build up His body, and as we share the good news of His salvation and kingdom with every creature.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11:00 am.