I’m so glad you are here.
The fact that you are reading this right now reveals to me that you have at least some interest in the Lowell Church of Christ. Perhaps you have been out ‘kicking tires’ trying to find the church that's just right for you. Maybe you are even ready to take a ‘test drive’. My prayer is that, whatever your current level of interest, we will be able to satisfy your curiosity.
The fact that you are reading this right now reveals to me that you have at least some interest in the Lowell Church of Christ. Perhaps you have been out ‘kicking tires’ trying to find the church that's just right for you. Maybe you are even ready to take a ‘test drive’. My prayer is that, whatever your current level of interest, we will be able to satisfy your curiosity.
The Lowell Church of Christ has been a part of the Lowell Community since 1842! During those years there have been a lot of changes both for our town and the church. Yet, through the years and many changes one thing has remained constant: Jesus Christ is Lord over all! The Lowell Church of Christ takes this truth seriously as we serve our community on His behalf. It is my honor and privilege to work alongside many faithful believers.
My prayer is that in the Lowell Church of Christ you will discover a community of believers who love the Lord and are committed to His Word and His mission. May God richly bless you as you seek His will for your life. Come on in for a test drive and discover the joy of serving Jesus with us.
My prayer is that in the Lowell Church of Christ you will discover a community of believers who love the Lord and are committed to His Word and His mission. May God richly bless you as you seek His will for your life. Come on in for a test drive and discover the joy of serving Jesus with us.

-Chuck Hochmuth, Senior Minister
Sunday Worship
Everyone is welcome to gather with us each Sunday morning at 9:00 am or 10:30 am. The environment at Lowell Church of Christ is a friendly and relaxed “come as you are” style. Our normal Sunday services consist of singing, teaching from the Bible, and communion. Everything we do centers on Jesus.
Corporate Worship
At 9:00 am and 10:30 am, we gather to worship the Lord Jesus together. The weekly worship service is where reorient our focus on seeking Christ, serving Him, and sharing Him.
In each worship service, there is a time of singing, where lift our voices in praise of our Creator and Saviour. Through song we remember the goodness of God and encourage one another as we praise Him.
Bible Teaching
During each service there is a time of Bible teaching. As we seek Christ, we look to His Word as our guide. In this time of Bible teaching we hear timeless truth and learn how it applies to our lives today.
During each service there is a time of Bible teaching. As we seek Christ, we look to His Word as our guide. In this time of Bible teaching we hear timeless truth and learn how it applies to our lives today.
In each worship service, we take the time to gather around the Lord's table and take communion together. It is a wonderful time as we remember and proclaim the Lord Jesus' death until He returns.
Sunday Worship Schedule
Corporate Worship- 9:00 am and 10:30 AM
At Lowell Church of Christ, we gather each week at 9:00 am and 10:30 am to worship the Lord Jesus together. The environment at Lowell Church of Christ is friendly, relaxed, and "come as you are." Our services consists of singing songs of worship, teaching from God's Word, the Bible, and taking communion together.
10:30 am
- Middle School (6th through 8th grade)
- High School (9th through 12th grade)
Children's Bible Clases
9:00 am
- Nursery (ages 1-3)
- Preschool (4 years old through kindergarten)
- Nursery (1-3 years old)
- Preschool (4 years old through Kindergarten)
- 1st through 3rd grade class
- 4th and 5th grade class
Adult Classes
10:30 am
- Various adult classes
Our facilities are located at 299 N. Burr St., Lowell, IN 46356 two blocks north of McDonald’s. We'd love to have you join us.
Do You Have More Questions?
If you have any questions about your visit, we'd love the opportunity to help. Fill out the contact form below and we'll get back to you with an answer.