"Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed."
God created each one of us to bring Him glory. One way we do this is by using our Spiritual Gifts. He has placed us in the Body of Christ exactly where He wants us to be. That’s right! God has uniquely gifted you and placed you at Lowell Church of Christ; at His choosing! (See I Corinthians 12:18.)
Who's This For?
- All in Christ Jesus who have a desire to know where best they can use their gifts to serve our local church and community.
- Middle school through adults
- Parents are invited to attend with their children.
- The Body of Christ Wants and Needs YOU!
Questions We'll Answer
- What are Spiritual Gifts?
- Do I have any gifts?
- How do I use my Spiritual Gifts?
- Where can I use my gifts at Lowell Church of Christ?